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2023年01 01
  有奖新闻热线: 88881111 星期日
国内统一刊号:CN44-0126  代号:45-47  中山日报社出版    Email:zsrb@zsrb.cn
  A01版 2023年01月01日 要闻 扩展 收缩 默认

City leaders inspect Mingyang Group
  Guo Wenhai, secretary of the CPC Zhongshan Municipal Committee, Xiao Zhanxin, mayor of Zhongshan, and other city leaders visited Mingyang Group on December 27. They listened to Mingyang's development planning on building a world-class enterprise and a Fortune Global 500 company, conducted special research on the "one policy for one enterprise" scheme, and inspected the implementation of the over-ten-billion-yuan project of the company.

  Text translation

  Li Jing

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中山日报封面01心系归途人 温暖回家路 2019-01-22 2 2019年01月22日 星期二